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How to focus on yourself

How to look after yourself and raise your energy


I have talked in the past about how we are always in danger of defining ourselves by our work; focusing our minds, bodies and spirit on daily routines, family or friends and plans around our business lives is also so important. You cannot open your social feed without being given advice on this. However, the Lao Tzu words, ‘To know and not to do, is not yet to know’.

Each week, at 9.30am, on a Tuesday, Tj Power, leads a talk on how our BIP100 Members are treating themselves, across 8 Pillars of Wellbeing. It is very powerful, as it acts as an inspiring nudge and reminder that none of us can ignore the need to maintain our mental fitness. 

Most of us are very lucky as our work is what we love, meaning we ‘live to work’. This is good, we are the lucky ones – but to my peril, I know the danger of this and how important it is to give yourself some time to just be ‘you’.

So, how can you focus on yourself? Nurturing and paying attention to yourself is critical as it is the source of your energy. We all have different ways we choose to spend our time outside of our work. We need different tools at our disposal to rest, recoup, re-inspire ourselves and find new creativity in our thinking and problem solving. A walk, meditation, yoga, gym, friends, TV, whatever it is, we all need it and we must have it. Critically, as Tj, stated, we actually need to do this when we wake, at lunchtime and when we complete our days’ work. Each time we refresh, reboot and reduce overwhelm.

We need a #strongmind to focus and be in control of our emotions, manage the unexpected, cope with the disappointments, spend time creating joys in our personal lives and to build a business that is sustainable with specific goals. All this cannot happen without consideration, without a lot of oxygen, and the habit of applying time to our own identity, not always the parent, supplier, daughter, son, but YOU.

Other ways in which you can improve your health so you are able to focus on your business and personal goals include: 

Get creative and try a new exercise – Exercise isn’t only a powerful stress reliever, toxin cleanser and a way to stay in good shape, it clears your mind and opens it up to new ideas that could benefit your business. There’s plenty of choices out there so you will definitely find something that you can fit in your day.

Try one of the meditation apps that are available – Fundamentally, it is about training your breathing and teaching your mind to be in the here and now, rather than panicking about tomorrow. As a result, you will find yourself able to relax and take a step away from the stress and worry.

Set healthy goals – As a business owner, you are fully aware of what jobs need doing when you begin your working day, and where you can slot in a few healthy changes. If you can start to see healthy choices as part of that routine, it will become easier to achieve them. After a few weeks of small successes, you’ll find that healthier living starts to come naturally, you will be able to focus on yourself easily.

Be kind to yourself by stepping away – Even if it is for a moment, which might sound crazy when you run your own business, but even an afternoon spent unwinding and getting a change of scenery can work wonders. When you give yourself a break from work, your head clears and your perspective changes. Things that felt unachievable suddenly don’t seem so daunting anymore.

I would love to know your journey into such discoveries, how you plan to maintain your performance in business and achieve your goals and also how you energize and ensure that YOU remain important in your life. I would also love to prompt thoughts and feelings for any of you that are on this cusp, ready for setting goals and need to take this leap with me. I look forward to your thoughts on this.

Without doubt, the business owners and leader that I talk to that achieve the greatest success and balance are the ones that care for themselves. Quite inspiring when I hear their routines. So what are yours?